The BactoCount IBC-m is a semi-automated instrument that uses flow cytometry for the rapid enumeration of individual bacteria and somatic cells in milk. The rapid test for bacteria makes it an ideal solution for any processing plant or test laboratory involved in quality assessment on milk. The IBC-m is a general flow cytometer and its applications have been expanded to include the counting of somatic cells in raw milk. This gives a laboratory a convenient 2-for-1 solution when making laboratory investments. The IBC has been evaluated by both the CECALAIT and AIA Reference Laboratories. The BactoCount IBC-m is based on the IBC 50-150 models which have been approved as an alternative method to the IDF 100B:1991 reference method for the rapid and accurate determination of the hygienic quality of cow, sheep and buffalo raw milk for payment purposes. The IBC meets AOAC 986.33.
- Analyzing time for bacterial count is less than one minute and sample preparation is completed in less than 10 minutes
- Analyzing time for somatic cell count is less than one minute, no sample preparation needed
- Use of a standard computer offers flexible data output options
- Easy operator-assisted sample preparation
- Low-maintenance design
- Milk payment, screening and segregation
- Rapid: Results available in 1’ (somatic cells) and 10’ (bacteria)
- Instrument pre-calibrated with a universal conversion equation
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To find out more about the BactoCount IBC-m, contact our sales team today!