Find the Leaking Package Before Your Customer Does!
With the Dansensor LeakMatic II, you can test an entire box of packages for CO₂ leaks quickly and reliably to ensure consistent quality in your modified atmosphere packages.
Cut Waste and Save on Costs
Free up your valuable technician time and deliver an objective test result in under 15 seconds! The LeakMatic II packaging leak tester will reduce both the amount of waste and the number of products being returned making it a cost effective leak solution. In addition, compared to water bath testing; there is no need to dry off packages and there is no risk of contamination from water entering your packages.
- Optical sensor
- No heating time
- Data logging of measurement data
- Fully automated non-destructive testing
- Easy operation via touch screen
- 3-year CO₂ sensor warranty
- Less product returns
- Less claims
- Safer brand image
More Information
To find out more about the LeakMatic II, contact our sales team today!